Thanks for sending me the 3 coordinate files via email -- they are helpful in clarifying the issue.
You might be interested to know that in the future, you
no longer need to send us email with attachments: I have set up a file upload forum at URL:
http://3dna.rutgers.edu:8080/upload/ so that users can send related information for us to debug and solve their problems. This will also allow for storage and consistent handling of user-cases.
As to your questions, firstly, you can run find_pair on it after adding the following entries to the file
baselist.dat, as documented in the FAQs:
Secondly, given the irregularity of the the G-quartet structure, the normal double strand parameters obviously no longer apply. However, you can run the following to get backbone torsion angle etc parameters (of course, watch out the chi torsion related to isoG residue):
find_pair -s L1_avstr_min.pdb stdout | analyze
You can also
find_pair -p L1_avstr_min.pdb multi.info
The program identifies the two G-quartets. The file
multiplets.pdb contained the structures of the multiplets, which you can extract and generate publication quality images, as referred in my previous reply.
Thirdly, with the utility program
blocview, run as follows:
blocview -i=L1_view.jpg L1_avstr_min.pdb
blocview -i=L1_view_z40.jpg -z=40 L1_avstr_min.pdb
You will get the following two images:
which is the default, and
with a rotation about z-axis by 40 degress to make it "vertical". The color coding the Gs and Cs make them clearly distinguished, and the black minor groove edges of Gs are also obvious, and of course, the stacking ...
3 in 3DNA certainly not only stands for 3-dimension, but also the three integrated parts:
rebuilding and
visualizaion. Such block view images have been used in the NDB, and PDB. Somehow, it has not been widely adopted by the 3DNA community at large. I am just taking this opportunity to illustrate
some of the not-commonly used features.