Thanks for your followup. Now I can understand your original question a bit better. So COM stands for "center of mass" based on the attached figure caption. I still do not know what "CPD" stands for.
From the attached figure, it is still
not clear to me what the two sugars above the target base are. Do the corresponding bases (attached to the sugars) must form a Watson-Crick (WC) pair? Do the three nucleotides where the base is in the middle must be consecutive in sequence?
Based on my understanding, I do
not think adding this pseudo torsion angle (θ) is a good fit for DSSR (at least at this stage). See my post titled
"Request for new features".
Why not ask for help from the author who defined this parameter? If that does not work out, you may write your own code or hire someone with basic programming skills for this purpose. Assuming the structure is a double helix with WC pairs, it should not be a big deal.