Thanks for providing a sample output from DSSR on your MD simulation. I understand your point, but in reality it is hard to decide if two bases close together should be taken as a (mostly non-canonical) 'pair'. From the text output, I see no reason why DSSR should exclude the extra 'C-T' pair from the its output. There are certainly similiar C-U pairs in RNA structures. For illustration purpose, it helps if you could attach this DSSR-(mis)identified 'pair' in PDB format. Or better off, also attach a molecular image of this pair (using Jmol or PyMOL).
The way to solve your problem is to use 'find_pair' to get a prelimary list of pairs, presumably 13 with the extra you want to get rid of. Then edit this file to remove the extra pair, and run 'analyze' to get the parameters. I am planning to add the 'find_pair/analyze' functionality to DSSR that allows users to add/remove base pairs for the analysis.