Hi Andrew,
I am using the x3dna_ensemble program to process NMR and multi model structures. When I use block_image I get as output a pdb and r3d of the entire ensemble, is it possible to get r3d output for each model using this method?
The resultant .pdb and .r3d files are as expected --
x3dna_ensemble works on an ensemble. To get separate .r3d, you can use the
ex_str/blocview command pair for each model explicitly.
Regarding the difference between the following two runs:
x3dna_ensemble reorient -r "b" -e in.pdb -o out_reorient_b.pdb
x3dna_ensemble reorient -v -e in.pdb -o out_reorient_e.pdb
See below for help message from
x3dna_ensemble reorient -h. Basically, the option "
-v (
--bestview)" is a short-hand form for "
-r 'cb' -k".
~ [516] x3dna_ensemble reorient -h
Reorient models of a MODEL/ENDMDL delineated ensemble of NMR structures
or MD trajectories based on user specified base-pair reference frame or
rotation matrix. Coordinate transformation is perform by 'frame_mol' or
'rotate_mol'. Useful for 'local' structural alignment. The transformed
ensemble can be converted to an image using 'x3dna_ensemble block_image'
and visualized with Jmol or PyMOL.
x3dna_ensemble reorient options
x3dna_ensemble reorient -f 'm -6' -b bpfile.dat -e 2kei.pdb
# reorient each model using the reference frame of bp #6
# with minor groove facing the viewer (-m)
# options to -f must be quoted, where dash is optional
# generate 'model_list.dat', 'ensemble_example_trx.pdb'
x3dna_ensemble reorient -f '8,9' -b bpfile.dat -e 2kei.pdb
# reorient each model using the middle reference frame
# between base-pairs #8 and #9
x3dna_ensemble reorient -v -e 2kei.pdb -o extended_view.pdb
# transform the ensemble to its most extended view and
# keep the original relative orientation.
--bpfile, -b <s>: Name of file containing base-pairing info
--outfile, -o <s>: Output file (default: ensemble_example_trx.pdb)
--single, -s: Single-stranded DNA/RNA
--ensemble, -e <s>: Ensemble delineated with MODEL/ENDMDL pairs
--models, -m <s>: File containing an explicit list of model numbers
--pattern, -p <s>: Pattern of model files to process (e.g., *.pdb)
--list, -l <s>: File containing an explicit list of models
--rotate, -r <s>: Options to be transfered to rotate_mol (quoted)
--frame, -f <s>: Options to be transfered to frame_mol (quoted)
--keep, -k: Keep the original relative orientation
--bestview, -v: Set to the most extended view; keep orientation
--help, -h: Show this message