Thanks for your feedback. As always, the more, the merrier! DSSR is currently in beta, and I am fully open to user suggestions for every aspect of the software, including format changes.
In writing DSSR, I came across many basic concepts in the literature of RNA structures that are well-known, yet not clearly defined (at least to my understanding). I tried to follow the conventions (where exist) as much as practical, and came up with my own 'ways' where necessary. It is my hope that DSSR would help in establishing pragmatic ways in charactering RNA (secondary) structures.
For your example case:
List of 12 bulge(s)
1 bulge: 6 nts; [2x0]; linked by [#19, #-8]
0.C245+0.G246+0.A247+0.A248+0.U265+0.G266 [CGAAUG]
It means that DSSR detects 12 bulges in the structure (1s72). For each bulge, DSSR outputs its type as a special case of internal loops with one strand containing 0 nts. Here the first bulge contains 2 nts, so of type [2x0]. Plus two enclosing canonical bps (here from stem #19, and lone bp #-8), the loop contains 6 nts (2+2+2). The listing below contains the 6 nts in sequential order, as would be obvious if one extracts just the nts and displayed them in Jmol or PyMOL. Here the two bulged out nts are 0.G246+0.A247.
I see your point for making components of the loop explicit, and will consider to implement extra output fields in future release of DSSR.