if epsilon = 0 to +360 and zeta= 0 to +360 e-z = -360 0 +360, but how can get negative values in this way?
Well, I am a bit confused by your reply too. If epsilon=60, zeta=160, then e-z=60-160=-100, which is NEGATIVE, right?
That's why I asked you to provide some concrete examples to walk through. Okay, let's use PDB id 355d as an example, if you run the command:
analyze -tor=355d.tor 355d.pdb,
you will have the following in file 355d.tor:
base chi A/S alpha beta gamma delta epsilon zeta e-z BI/BII
10 A:..10_:[.DG]G -83.6 anti -60.3 163.2 39.5 143.2 -100.0 146.3 113.6 BII
11 A:..11_:[.DC]C -112.8 anti -73.1 144.3 50.8 143.5 -164.4 -126.1 -38.3 BI
For nt C11, epsilon=
-164.4, corresponding to
-164.4+360=195.6; whilst zeta=
-126.1, corresponding to
195.6-233.9=-38.3 which is the value reported in 3DNA (see above). Since -38.3 < 0, 360 is added to it:
-38.3+360=321.7, which is out of [20, 200], so it is assigned BI. Please work out the numbers for G10, and report back here.
Does this clarify your confusion?