Hi Xiangjun,
I created a framework for the web interface, setting up the overall php framework (CodeIgniter framework), Flexigrid grid (Gridview of data), and mysql tables. Currently, as a test, I have a starting page
http://dnaserver.rutgers.edu/~ghzheng/w3dnadev/There, please just try typing in 1KX3 (no others, others might not work due to the 3dna web access problem, which I am still working with the computer supporters).
Basically, I am asking for your advice. What kinds of services do you think we can provide on either of the three sub pages: Analyzing, Rebuilding, and Visualizing.
1) Analyzing: I am thinking to show results of nucleic acid sequence, base pairing, base-pair parameters, base-pair step parameters.
2) Rebuilding: I am thinking to allow build i) ideal fibers and base-pair steps; ii) DNA/protein complexes with DNA/protein complex templates, i.e. protein coordinates will be integrated into the structure; iii) is it possible to visualize the pdb files in an embedded visualization tool, such as vmd?
3) Visualizing: I am thinking to provide blocview...
There are lots of beautiful functions of 3DNA that I am just not very familiar. Please advise me what kind of services we can provide and attract users.