General discussions (Q&As) / do_x3dna not working
« on: November 06, 2018, 01:01:14 am »
I have installed do_x3dna and 3DNA package successfully. I can access 3DNA package by giving command find_pair or analyze. But when I am trying to execute do_x3dna for a trajectory file, I am getting the following fatal error:
Failed to execute command: $X3DNA/bin/analyze ddUJotW7.inp
Can you please help me with this? I have followed the installation procedure discussed in the forum
http://forum.x3dna.org/howtos/how-to-install-3dna-on-linux-and-windows/. I have one doubt which is mentioned there "set the environment variable X3DNA and add $X3DNA/bin to your command search path ": add $X3DNA/bin to your command search path what does that mean? Please explain.
I have installed do_x3dna and 3DNA package successfully. I can access 3DNA package by giving command find_pair or analyze. But when I am trying to execute do_x3dna for a trajectory file, I am getting the following fatal error:
Failed to execute command: $X3DNA/bin/analyze ddUJotW7.inp
Can you please help me with this? I have followed the installation procedure discussed in the forum
http://forum.x3dna.org/howtos/how-to-install-3dna-on-linux-and-windows/. I have one doubt which is mentioned there "set the environment variable X3DNA and add $X3DNA/bin to your command search path ": add $X3DNA/bin to your command search path what does that mean? Please explain.