Hi Xiangjun,
Sorry I have been busy with other stuff in lab but I do remember your question last time.
For your last question:
{u'index': 31, u'atom2_serNum': 212, u'residue_pair': u'nt:aa', u'distance': 3.09, u'atom_pair': u'N:N', u'atom2_id': u'N@2:B.ALA6', u'donAcc_type': u'standard', u'atom1_id': u'N3@2:A.DG3', u'atom1_serNum': 69}
How did you get the above output for PDB id: 1PFE? Specifically, where does the 'u' before each tag name come from?
Basically, I just load the json use my way (my own json parser) and print out the 'hbonds' section. In my python, when I load the json file (using import json module), the string format will be loaded as unicode. I think that's why those string will have the 'u'. I think that is just my python string encode issue. Here is more explanation of the unicode string (
https://stackoverflow.com/questions/21808657/what-is-a-unicode-string). I also tried your way as you suggested (using jq) but I didn't make it work. Do I need to install jq in my computer? I installed jq from the website
https://stedolan.github.io/jq/ and put the file in my working folder then type.
x3dna-dssr -i=3bnq.pdb --symm --get-hbond --json | jq . hbonds[1]However, it outputs
Processing file '3bnq.pdb'
jq: error: Could not open file hbonds[1]: No such file or directoryI don't know if I did the right way.
My new questions:
My new target structure is Mitochondrial Ribosomal Decoding Site (PDB ID: 3BNQ). I downloaded the PDB file (not biological assembly file) from RCSB. Then I try to generate the json file by typing:
x3dna-dssr -i=3bnq.pdb -o=3bnq.json --json --more --symmI use my own json parser to look for the hydrogen bond between the RNA and the ligand PAR.
There are three examples with different don_Acc type here. All the hydrogen bonds mentioned below are labeled in the 3bnq.pse. Measure01 is the first example. Measure02 is the second example. Measure03 is the third example.
Example 1: Hbond index 117. donAcc_type acceptable.{u'index': 117, u'atom2_serNum': 1928, u'residue_pair': u'nt:ligand', u'distance': 2.612, u'atom_pair': u'O:O', u'atom2_id': u'O41@C.PAR101', u'donAcc_type': u'acceptable', u'atom1_id': u'OP2@C.G22', u'atom1_serNum': 1426}
This is a hydrogen bond between a hydroxyl group in the ligand PAR and the OP2 atom in rG22.
Example 2: Hbond index 113. donAcc_type standard.{u'index': 113, u'atom2_serNum': 1937, u'residue_pair': u'nt:ligand', u'distance': 2.63, u'atom_pair': u'O:N', u'atom2_id': u'N32@C.PAR101', u'donAcc_type': u'standard', u'atom1_id': u'OP2@C.C21', u'atom1_serNum': 1406}
This is a hydrogen bond between a amino group in the ligand PAR and the OP2 atom in rC21.
In both cases, it seems that the hydrogen bond geometry are very similar then why does the DSSR think they are different donAcc_type?Example 3: Hbond index 107. donAcc_type questionable.{u'index': 107, u'atom2_serNum': 1367, u'residue_pair': u'nt:nt', u'distance': 3.358, u'atom_pair': u'O:O', u'atom2_id': u"O4'@C.G19", u'donAcc_type': u'questionable', u'atom1_id': u"O4'@C.A17", u'atom1_serNum': 1323}
In this case, the DSSR identify a hbonds between two O4' atom, but we know that for ribose, the O4' is unlikely to be protonated.
Is this the reason why DSSR think the donAcc_type is questionable?I really appreciate your help.