Hi, xiangjun,
I am confused about the phosphorous label in DNA.
Normally, phosphorous of a given NTP is the one connected to the 5'-end of sugar right?
So when we say phosphorous of a DA or DT etc., we mean 5'-phosphorous of DA and DT, is it correct?
However, epsilon and zeta by definition is at the 3'-end of a sugar (related to BI/BII). So when we say BI/BII of a residue, it is related to the 3'-end of the phosphorous which is the next residue's phosphorous, am I right?
The reason why I ask this question is I find that some papers label the 31P to be 3'-end of the sugar and other label the 31P to be 5'-end of the sugar which are not consistent.
Is there any standard opinion about which phosphorous belongs to which residue?