Dear Dr. Lu,
I had a great time with your creation!
There are some questions.
1, as for "rebuild" is that just transforms one file from a kind of format to another? I mean, could it also transform a B-form to A-form or another form?
2, if I want to get a doped DNA, could 3DNA generate one? I have not found related command.
3, I had problem using blocview, mstack2img, cp_std, I put a sreenshots here. As for the cp_std, is that because it can only be used as "x3dna_utils cp_std"
4, I do not know why, the PDB file can't be open by Gaussian03, or I should say, it can't be converted into gif. file by using Gaussian03. However, I opened that with GaussView05, and even saved the file, though I have not submitted yet, because of my campus network. I will see, anyway. (there is another case for Gaussian, but I failed to reproduce it just now)
Again, thank you very much!