The "official" name of the package is 3DNA for 3-Dimensional Nucleic Acids. See my post titled "
Does 3DNA work for RNA?" for how the name came about, and read more on "
What can 3DNA do for RNA structures?".
As to the term X3DNA: in setting up the system, we need an environment variable to specify the directory where 3DNA is installed. Since 3DNA per se is not a valid identifier, I added an "X" before 3DNA, thus X3DNA. Over the years, I have noticed outside websites linking and literature references citing 3DNA as X3DNA. Recently, while registering a domain name for 3DNA, I firstly tried the obvious choice of However, that name has already been taken, so I decided to resort to
The term 3DNA is not unique to our software package on nucleic acids structures. A Google search reveals at least two other products that use this name. Interestingly, there is even a PDB entry of
3DNA, which is actually a protein structure. X3DNA, on the other hand, is a name special to our package. Moreover, the X3DNA distribution package means eXecuting 3DNA. X3DNA also implies eXtreme or eXtended 3DNA -- we are working to move the software to the next level.