Thanks for the info. Just to be precise, the link you gave is broken: it should also include the ending characters in the URL. For the benefit of other viewers, here is the correct one with title of the paper as link text:
Geometry of the Nucleosomal DNA Superhelix by Thomas C. Bishop. (We all make simple mistakes, and I hope you won't mind my pointing your minor typo out :roll:. I am hoping you and others will do the same to any 3DNA-related issues. Every bug report or correction etc would be gratefully received!
I have no problem in accessing this paper. I think it is a nice piece of work. It is actually in the
3DNA citation list. I should have read the abstract before, but did not get into the main text. To be realistic, though, I do not think I have that much
spare time right now to understand and implement the algorithm to fit your purpose -- it won't be a trivial take, especially to get it done efficiently and robustly. You could contact the author directly for further details. Maybe we could make an arrangement to incorporate Dr. Bishop's method into 3DNA (with proper attributions, of course).
Thanks for your cooperation, and hopefully more 3DNA users would follow your example.