I have done the Recipes 1-3 and 5 with no problems using the "x3dna-v2.1beta" version of 3DNA. I have realized some particular things have changed in the command syntax, but I figured them out.
For the recipe number 4, I have several doubts
First, in this section:
(vii) Rename (‘\mv’) the Raster3D file ‘poc_haxis.r3d’ into file ‘h1x.r3d’ (line 13) and manually modify ‘h1x.r3d’, by
uncommenting (i.e., selecting) the cylinder scenes based on the phosphorus atoms, changing the color to red
(by modifying its RGB color components). The updated Raster3D file is now called ‘h1x_ok.r3d’. Compare the two files
(‘h1x.r3d’ and ‘h1x_ok.r3d’) to see the difference, for example, use the Unix command diff.
I created the file "h1x.r3d" (Recipe 4, line 13) changing the name of poc_haxis.r3d:
"mv poc_haxis.r3d h1x.r3d"
Now, I got lost reading the file as text. I see several numbers but I am not sure what the cylinder scenes are.
How should I open the .r3d file to edit it? Is there a particular command or with a text editor like vi should be enough?
For now, I just jumped this step and then, instead of doing this command declared in line 17
"cat t.r3d transparent.r3d h1x_ok.r3dh3y_ok.r3d > 1egk_ok.r3d"
I did
"cat blocview.r3d transparent.r3d h1x.r3d h3y.r3d > 1egk_ok.r3d"
The stated file blocview.r3d was created as output in line 16 (blocview routine), and I am using it because it did not create a file called t.r3d.
Is this blocview.r3d file the t.r3d file that I should've obtained? I am assuming that it was a change in the output file name with the new version, and maybe I am wrong.
I am using the transparent.r3d file that is in the following path
Finally, after doing all this I obtained two image files, after the last command, and an empty msgfile (0 bytes). None of the images is called like the final .png that it was declared, and they seem to be temps files of the last routine (x3dna_r3d.avs and temp_r3d.png).
I have attached everything in this thread if someone wants to see the files. Also, a "run.sh" script is inside, with a transcript of the commands that define the Recipe 4, with my modifications already mentioned.
Thanks for the feedback.