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Author Topic: How to make the best use of the Forum  (Read 59310 times)

Offline xiangjun

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How to make the best use of the Forum
« on: May 19, 2017, 11:35:45 am »
Please be aware that I do not provide private email/personal message assistance, for the benefit of the 3DNA/DSSR-user community as a whole; the Forum was created specifically for open discussions of all 3DNA/DSSR-related issues. In other words, all questions concerning 3DNA and DSSR should be posted here.

Registration on the 3DNA Forum allows you to download 3DNA v2.4 and SCHNAaP/SCHNArP, as well as ask questions about them. Please keep in mind that DSSR licenses and downloads may only be obtained through the the Columbia Technology Venture (CTV). If you have any DSSR-related queries, please post them here as well.

  • Register with a valid, work-related email address. I strive to make the Forum spam free. Private emails (,, etc.) are not accepted; such registrations will be removed. Approved registrations that are not activated via email will be deleted. Activated accounts that are not accessed (logins) will be erased. The first post from a registered account is moderated. Posts that are not 3DNA/DSSR related in the broad sense are taken as spams and are strictly forbidden.

    Please notify me if you do not receive an email confirmation of your registration within two days. I've recently heard of instances where notification emails have failed to deliver.
  • Download 3DNA by clicking the corresponding links within the legitimate member-only 'Downloads' section.
  • Post on the Forum any 3DNA-related questions, or share your experience/use case with the community. After registration, you must post your questions yourself on the Forum to get them answered. I do not post questions asked privately via email on the Forum on your behalf.

    To post (after logging in), first select a proper section (e.g., General discussions (Q&As), RNA structures (DSSR)). If you need to create a new thread, click the "NEW TOPIC" button on the top-right, and pick up a concise Subject. If you are following an existing thread, click "REPLY" at the bottom. You will then be presented with a familiar, Word-like form to compose and format your post.

    Be specific with your questions; provide a minimal, reproducible example if possible; use attachments where appropriate.

    Respond to requests for clarification. Failure to do so may result in delay or no answer to your questions.

    Summarize the solution to your problem from a user's perspective by providing step-by-step details, for the community's benefit.

    Contribute back to the 3DNA project: (1) Report bugs — including typos; (2) Make constructive suggestions — anything that can make 3DNA better; (3) Answer other users' questions; and (4) Share your use cases in the "Users' contributions" section.

    By posting your questions on the 3DNA Forum, you are asking for help from others, for free. Be appreciative if you receive responses. Be open-minded, since your questions may not be answered in a way you expect, or receive any reply at all.

    Your posts on the 3DNA Forum are in the public domain. Search engines like Google index and cache the website. The 3DNA Forum is automatically backed up every day.
  • Click the Notify button (in the upper right corner) to receive email alerts for new posts in the threads or sections you are interested in. You can also change your settings for notifications and newsletters via "Profile" • "Modify Profile" • "Notifications" (login required).
  • Share what you know that could be of interest to the general 3DNA user community. Be helpful.
  • Behave yourself. No spam or trolling allowed. Violators are removed immediately without any further notice.
« Last Edit: August 30, 2021, 09:10:31 am by xiangjun »


Funded by the NIH R24GM153869 grant on X3DNA-DSSR, an NIGMS National Resource for Structural Bioinformatics of Nucleic Acids

Created and maintained by Dr. Xiang-Jun Lu, Department of Biological Sciences, Columbia University