As a gereneral way to calculate inter-base angles, you could use the following command. Here, I'm using 1ehz as an example:
x3dna-dssr -i=1ehz.pdb --json | jq .nts
x3dna-dssr -i=1ehz.pdb --json | jq -c '.nts[] | { nt_id, "z_axis": .frame.z_axis}'
The nts JSON object contains the reference frame for each identified base. Specifically, pay attention to the z_axis vectors for calculating the inter-base angles of any two bases you are interested in. For your 2.pdb file, the results are as below:
x3dna-dssr -i=2.pdb --json | jq -c '.nts[] | { nt_id, "z_axis": .frame.z_axis}'
Have a try and report back how it goes.