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Messages - sowmya

Pages: [1]
Dear Dr. Xiang,

I was analyzing the base pair type distribution among a dataset of RNAs that I have collected for my study using the pair.csv file for those PDB IDs obtained using web-3DNA. When I compiled the list of unique base pair types I noticed certain base pairs with a P, which are: P+A, A-P, P-G, P+G, C-P and P-A.
I got information on the other base pair types from the x3DNA website:, but I'm unable to find information on the above mentioned base pairs. Can you share some resources to understand what these named base pairs mean and how they are identified (in terms of the structural orientation of the bases and other parameters)?

Thank you
- Sowmya

Dear Dr. Xiang,

I was trying to calculate the base pair and base step parameters for PDB IDs - 7E9E and 7E9I by uploading the PDB files to the web interface of 3DNA. I am getting a "can't open the baselist file error" for these 2 IDs. I am yet to come across this error for other PDB IDs - I have calculated for around 20 other PDB IDs (deposited after 2019) in the web interface and they were parsed fine. Requesting your suggestions to resolve this error in the web interface.

With regards,

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Funded by the NIH R24GM153869 grant on X3DNA-DSSR, an NIGMS National Resource for Structural Bioinformatics of Nucleic Acids

Created and maintained by Dr. Xiang-Jun Lu, Department of Biological Sciences, Columbia University