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Questions and answers > MD simulations

do_x3dna as a plugin for VMD and update in dnaMD


Rajendra Kumar:

I have developed do_x3dna as a plugin for VMD ( Now, two variants of do_x3dna are available, one for GROMACS and other as a plugin for VMD.

Now dnaMD can be used as both Python module ( and command line tools ( I am still expanding the dnaMD command. dnaMD can be installed easily through pip (

With best regards,

Hi Rajendra,

Nice effort! Now do_x3dna and 3DNA are reaily accessible to the huge VMD user community.

Thanks for keep us informed of your new progress!


Beñat Olave:
Dear Rajendra,

We are a group from Spain, our research is focused in creating different functional DNA nanostructures.

We have just started using computational chemistry and after doing some MD simulations I wanted to study the trajectories of a dsDNA using your tool, I think it can provide very useful information.

Unfortunately, I had issues while installing its plugin for VMD in windows 10 (x86). Even if it seems it is correctly installed:
"package require do_x3dna
When I execute any command "do_x3dna WHATEVER", it closes immediately.

I have just solved the closure deleting all the "exit" words from the script but it still gives me this error:

=================== ERROR ======================
 $X3DNA environment variable is not available.
 See below for usage.                           

I don't understand why, because I have already installed X3DNA correctly, I have used it for other analysis of a single step.

Could you help me?

Best regards,
Beñat Olave

Dear Beñat,

As a follow-up, I sent Rajendra an email message on May 2, asking him if he is still in support of do_x3dna. As with your questions here, I've so far not heard back from Rajendra. Based on my previous experience, I know he is very responsive. So, he may no longer support do_x3dna.

Best regards,



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The Bussemaker Laboratory at the Department of Biological Sciences, Columbia University.

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