Hello! I would like to share with you some recent issues regarding the use of DSSR. First of all, thank you for your great contributions to DSSR and X3DNA, which have helped many scholars and are free for academic institutions to use. My question is as follows:
1. After I got the academic license through Columbia University, I downloaded two versions of dssr-basic for linux and windows. But the windows version of the exe installation package can't open all the time. I have tried it on several computers with win7 and win10, but it doesn't work, so I would like to ask Dr. Lu why.
2. The files in the linux installation package are not in tar.gz format. I don't know how to install it. Could you please tell me. Or is there an installation method I haven't found? I did find it for a long time. So please let me know, thank you very much.

Best wishes
chen long