I've performed a bit more investigation of your attached
333D_biopython.cif file. My findings are as follows:
333D_biopython.cif, the header together with the first atom reads:
ATOM 1 O 'O5'' . C A ? 1 ? 23.308 21.309 18.480 1.0 17.2 1 A ' '
### the above should be changed to the following:
ATOM 1 O "O5'" . C A ? 1 ? 23.308 21.309 18.480 1.0 17.2 1 A 1
The sugar atom name
'O5'' looks weird: it should be replaced with "O5'". The last item is pdbx_PDB_model_num, an integer. However, the ATOM record gives
' ' . The space character should be replaced with a number (e.g., 1). The revised version is shown above in bold green.
After these two fixes for all the ATOM/HETATM records, DSSR works as expected. I've attached the revised mmCIF file for your reference.
Best regards,