Hi Pascal,
Thanks for your nice words about the 3DNA v2.0 website: it is actually not ready for public release yet ...
As you know, I have been continuously improving 3DNA both on its internal algorithm and on the website, based mostly on users' feedback. I have been working/talking about 3DNA v2.0 for quite a while, and hopefully it could be released around the summer.
As regard to the possible impact of v2.0 on your SwS server (or other related tools making use of 3DNA), I am confident to say life can only be better. Of course, some minor changes would be necessary. In due course, I might ask for some pre-release testers from the community. Overall, the design principles still hold solid: the improvements are mostly internal, or with added functionality.
I have created a new section titled "Links to other related resource". You may want to add a post with link to your SwS server. I am hoping other users can help add more links.
Best regards,