Hi Yurong,
3DNA uses a set of simple, pure geometric criteria, for locating all possible base-pairs and double helical regions. The helical regions are defined from a base-stacking prospective, thus continuous and quasi-continuous (or no backbone at all) helices are handled in exactly the same way. The detailed underlying algorithm will become clear when I find time to write a paper on it and get the work published. Before that happens, you can simply acknowledge 3DNA for your helical region findings.
Among the two parameters you listed (which are made explicit in 3DNA v2.0 to be released soon -- following a new publication on 3DNA), only "helix_break" is relevant here. The other one is a criterion to decide if the analyzed structure is strongly curved. It is used to decide if to ls-fit a helical axis, as shown in section "Global linear helical axis defined ...", and to calculate a set of global parameters.