Shorting of or in addition to that, please do share with the community on how the following recipe goes with your projects.
It worked for me, however two modifications to the procedure had to be added:
1. Preparation of input DNA file for 3DNA is often needed (changing HETATM to ATOM and new bases name to old ones i.e. DG to G, DA to A etc., changing non-standard numbering of residues)
2. Correcting residue and chain identifiers in the final mutated structure and correcting atom numbering. Because I am preparing this procedure for sort of bioinformatic course I wanted not to use any scripts but rather already available tools. I successfuly used VMD for correcting atom numbering.
Thanks a lot
Janek Kosinski
In case anbybody is interested, here is the exact procedure:
Prepare 2oaa.pdb file for mutagenesis with 3DNA program. 1. Open 2OAA.pdb in Swiss PDB Viewer
2. Select chain C (the first DNA chain) and renumber residues starting from 1 (Menu Edit -> Rename Current Layer -> Renumber Selected groups from : 1
3. Select chain D (the second DNA chain) and renumber residues starting from 1 (Menu Edit -> Rename Current Layer -> Renumber Selected groups from : 1
4. Select chain A, C and D and Save selected residues in new directory DNA_mutagenesis/ under the name 2oaaA.pdb
5. Close Swiss PDB Viewer
6. Open 2oaaA.pdb in WordPad
7. Press Ctrl+H to open Find & Replace dialog. In “Find what” type HETATM and in “Replace with” type ATOM<space><space> (ATOM and two spaces, these spaces are important)
8. Press Ctrl+H to open Find & Replace dialog. In “Find what” type <space><space> D and in “Replace with” type <space><space><space>
9. Save the file.
Make mutagenesis with 3DNA program.1. Open Windows Command Prompt. Go to DNA_mutagenesis/ directory.
2. Execute:
find_pair 2oaaA.pdb 2oaaA.inp
3. Run analyze
analyze 2oaaA.inp
4. Run frame_mol to attach local helical frames and set the orientation of a structure.
frame_mol -1 ref_frames.dat 2oaaA.pdb 2oaaA_bp1.pdb
5. Copy the files:
cp bp_step.par bp_step_mut.par
cp 2oaaA_bp1.pdb 2oaaA_mutok.pdb
6. Manually mutate bp_step_mut.par
7. Open bp_step_mut.par in WordPad. Change 6th base pair (T-A) to C-G
8. Rebuild PDB file
rebuild -atomic bp_step_mut.par 2oaaA_mut.pdb
9. Open 2oaaA_mut.pdb and 2oaaA_mutok.pdb in WordPad. Manually replace coordinates of the base (including C1`) in residue 6 of chain C of 2oaaA_mutok.pdb with those from residue 6 of chain A of 2oaaA_mut.pdb and in residue 6 of chain D of 2oaaA_mutok.pdb with those from residue 6 of chain B of 2oaaA_mut.pdb. After this, in 2oaaA_mutok.pdb, adjust the names of residues and chains in mutated residues and residue numbers. Do not care at wrong atom numbering for mutated bases at the moment.
10. To correct atom numbering open 2oaaA_mutok.pdb in VMD. After opening save the coordinates under new name 2oaaA_mutatedDNA.pdb.