Hi All,
Please see the attached Perl script that can be used in conjunction with 3DNA (assuming that it is already installed).
# 3dna.pl -h
Usage: 3dna.pl [-options] <PDBfile>
Options: [-show all|none|out|inp|key1:keyn]
[-inp name]
[-setinp name]
[-ref name [offset]]
[-groove minor|major|all]
[-par shear|stretch|stagger|buckle|propel|open|all]
[-step shift|slide|rise|tilt|roll|twist|all]
[-helix x|y|hrise|incl|tip|htwist|all]
[-pucker ampl|phase|both|pucker|all]
[-torsion alpha|beta|gamma|delta|epsilon|zeta|chi|all]
To use this script, simply provide a valid PDB file. For example:
$ 3dna.pl -groove major 1bna.pdb
major --- --- --- 17.3 17.3 16.3 17.4 18.4 --- --- ---
The hyphens correspond to parts of the structure where measurements could not be performed. The order of the output is according to the base pairs from 3DNA and can be extracted by using the "-ref name" option. Using "-ref" will produce a reference file that tells you what the base pair order is:
$ 3dna.pl -groove major -ref ref.out 1bna.pdb
Looking at the reference file we see:
major(1) BP1:1-24(2) BP2:2-23(3) BP3:3-22(4) BP4:4-21(5) BP5:5-20(6) BP6:6-19(7) BP7:7-18(

BP8:8-17(9) BP9:9-16(10) BP10:10-15(11) BP11:11-14(12)
The brackets corresponds to the column from the major groove output. Thus, the first column tells you that the original output is for the major groove, the second column is base pair 1 (BP1) which is formed between base 1 and base 4, the third column is base pair 2 (BP2) which is formed between base 2 and base 23, and so on.
$ 3dna.pl -groove all -ref ref.out 1bna.pdb
This gives you both the major and minor grooves:
minor major --- --- --- --- --- --- 12.0 17.3 10.5 17.3 9.9 16.3 9.3 17.4 9.9 18.4 --- --- --- --- --- ---
However, now both grooves are listed with the reference file looking like:
minor(1) major(2) BP1:1-24(3) BP1:1-24(4) BP2:2-23(5) BP2:2-23(6) BP3:3-22(7) BP3:3-22(

BP4:4-21(9) BP4:4-21(10) BP5:5-20(11) BP5:5-20(12) BP6:6-19(13) BP6:6-19(14) BP7:7-18(15) BP7:7-18(16) BP8:8-17(17) BP8:8-17(18) BP9:9-16(19) BP9:9-16(20) BP10:10-15(21) BP10:10-15(22) BP11:11-14(23) BP11:11-14(24)
The other measurements are done the same way and multiple measurements can be combined and parsed at the same time:
$ 3dna.pl -groove major -torsion alpha 1bna.pdb
major --- --- --- 17.3 17.3 16.3 17.4 18.4 --- --- --- alpha --- -65.6 -62.6 -62.9 -43.0 -73.3 -56.6 -59.2 -58.5 -67.3 -73.9 -81.5 -65.0 -72.2 -66.8 -59.1 -58.6 -58.3 -57.1 -56.6 -69.2 -63.0 -51.3 ---
Here the major grooves are displayed first followed by the alpha values in order.
More documentation can be found in the header section as comments in the script itself. Please feel free to e-mail me at
slaw@msu.edu if you have any questions, comments, or concerns.