Hi Xiangjun,
I apologize for not providing specific details when I asked my question. Below, I will present my process and concerns.
I obtained the RNA annotation dictionary 'annot' using x3dna-dssr --json -i=2tob.cif.
Then, I filtered(filter(lambda x: x['nt_type'] == 'RNA', annot['nts']) the 'annot' dictionary to retain only the RNA content nt_annot.
I can retrieve information about the target base by using nt_annot['nt_id'].
For example, on base with ID 2tob.A.10, the coordinates in nt_annot['2tob.A.10'] are as follows:
C5' atom coordinate C5prime_xyz: [-1.405, 8.313, 1.694]
P atom coordinate P_xyz: [1.204, 8.473, 2.116]
However, the atomic coordinates for this base in the PDB file are as follows. The same situation exists for other bases of this RNA.
ATOM 191 P U A 10 -16.156 -3.688 -12.208 1.00 0.30 P
ATOM 195 C5' U A 10 -15.795 -3.890 -14.824 1.00 0.34 C
Clearly, they are different. Therefore, I would like to know what processing has been done on them(from PDB_xyz to DSSR_xyz).
I hope I've stated my question clearly.
Best regards,
Junkai Wang