Hi Yurong,
Structure ar0062 (1zev) is sort of special in its handling of alternative location in ATOM or HETATM records. It is a crystal structure, yet the PDB format follows NMR ensemble by having two set of MODEL ... ENDMOL pairs, one for each alternative location (A and C). Normally, the alternative location is within a single PDB structure entry.
By design, the basic parts in 3DNA (find_pair/analyze etc) handles only a single structure. Here it corresponds to the first model, which happens to have A as indicator of its alternative location. By default, 3DNA recognizes "A1 " (e.g., A, 1, or space) as alternative location.
To process the 2nd model, do the following:
ex_str -nmr -2 1zev.pdb 1zev_modelC.pdb
# change 'misc_3dna.par': "alt_list: C"
find_pair 1zev_modelC.pdb stdout