For model #5 of PDB entry
1aju, let's store its coordinates in file
1aju-m5.pdb. Run
find_pair 1aju-m5.pdb 1aju-m5.bps
you get
1aju-m5.bps, with the following content:
2 # duplex
13 # number of base-pairs
1 1 # explicit bp numbering/hetero atoms
1 30 0 # 1 | ...5>A:..16_:[..G]G-----C[..C]:..46_:A<...5 1.26 0.86 43.33 8.60 0.14
2 29 0 # 2 | ...5>A:..17_:[..G]G-----C[..C]:..45_:A<...5 1.05 0.14 21.15 8.79 -2.62
3 28 0 # 3 | ...5>A:..18_:[..C]C-----G[..G]:..44_:A<...5 0.47 0.27 13.69 9.09 -3.30
4 27 0 # 4 | ...5>A:..19_:[..C]C-----G[..G]:..43_:A<...5 0.55 0.43 20.29 9.06 -2.56
5 26 0 # 5 | ...5>A:..20_:[..A]A-----U[..U]:..42_:A<...5 1.04 1.00 16.36 8.68 -1.15
6 25 0 # 6 | ...5>A:..21_:[..G]G-----C[..C]:..41_:A<...5 1.01 0.44 9.82 8.78 -2.61
7 24 0 # 7 | ...5>A:..22_:[..A]A-----U[..U]:..40_:A<...5 0.88 0.75 23.30 8.87 -1.45
10 23 0 # 8 | ...5>A:..26_:[..G]G-----C[..C]:..39_:A<...5 1.16 0.44 20.37 8.79 -1.94
11 22 0 # 9 | ...5>A:..27_:[..A]A-----U[..U]:..38_:A<...5 1.09 1.03 16.74 8.87 -1.00
12 21 0 # 10 | ...5>A:..28_:[..G]G-----C[..C]:..37_:A<...5 0.94 0.83 22.27 8.99 -1.29
13 20 9 # 11 x ...5>A:..29_:[..C]C-----G[..G]:..36_:A<...5 1.14 0.55 24.72 8.76 -1.53
15 18 1 # 12 + ...5>A:..31_:[..U]U-**--G[..G]:..34_:A<...5 4.82 2.03 40.01 7.97 7.88
16 17 1 # 13 + ...5>A:..32_:[..G]G-**+-G[..G]:..33_:A<...5 6.66 0.32 62.30 6.72 9.42
##### Base-pair criteria used: 4.00 0.00 15.00 2.50 65.00 4.50 7.50 [ O N]
##### 2 non-Watson-Crick base-pairs, and 3 helices (2 isolated bps)
##### Helix #1 (11): 1 - 11 ***broken O3'(i) to P(i+1) linkage***
##### Helix #2 (1): 12
##### Helix #3 (1): 13
The helix continues up to base pair (bp) "
A:..29_:[..C]C-----G[..G]:..36_:A" (#11). The next two bps are isolated, i.e., not part of a continuous helix formed by bps from 1 to 11. Please see the attached
blocview-image showing nucleotides 28 to 37, with
green for G, cyan for U,
red for A, and yellow for C.
Regarding your question,
When bp is represented with bigger number first (like 20-9) does it mean anything?
As shown above, the numerical values for bps (the left two columns) from
find_pair are nucleotide sequential numbers as they appear in the input PDB file. What do you mean "does it mean anything?".
As always, please be specific, using an example to illustrate your point.