There are two aspects to your question:
- You want the original coordinates of the base pairs (bp) instead of those reoriented w.r.t. bp reference frames.
- You are concerned about the speed of transformations or extracting from PDB files.
Using Python or any other scripting language, you do
not need to parse hundreds of PDBs, but only two: one is the the original PDB file, and the other is '
allpairs.pdb'. By scanning the later, you have a list of all bps, then you can extract one-by-one from the same original PDB file. Have a try and report back how it goes -- I do not think speed is an issue here.
That said, the most efficient way would be to add an option to '
find_pair', presumably
-original_coordinate, so that instead of transforming to bp reference frame, the original atomic coordinates are written directly to '
allpairs.pdb'. I will update the 3DNA v2.1beta distribution soon, so stay tuned.