The two files you uploaded to the 3DNA server did help clarify the issue.
The negative Rise and strange tilt etc parameters are all related to the 6th G+G pair: the syn-G on strand I (X:...8_:[..G]G) has reversed "face" (base orientation) relative to others. The bp frame z-axis direction follows that of strand I base (the leading strand). Have a look at file "ref_frames.dat" following running the command (I am using "Ganti_Gsyn.pdb" as the PDB file name):find_pair Ganti_Gsyn.pdb stdout | analyze
You will see:... 5 U-A ...
27.5971 26.4873 48.4652 # origin
0.7980 -0.6022 0.0226 # x-axis
-0.5501 -0.7432 -0.3809 # y-axis
0.2462 0.2915 -0.9243 # z-axis
... 6 G+G ...
28.7994 26.9129 45.4857 # origin
0.9194 -0.3494 0.1807 # x-axis
0.2865 0.9096 0.3009 # y-axis
-0.2695 -0.2249 0.9364 # z-axis
... 7 A-U ...
31.2226 28.5432 44.1020 # origin
0.0211 -0.9974 0.0687 # x-axis
-0.9847 -0.0326 -0.1714 # y-axis
0.1732 -0.0641 -0.9828 # z-axis
When two z-axes have opposite directions as in the cases here for the 5th UG/GA (a "blocview" generated structure is attached) and 6th GA/UG steps, the mean z-axis of the middle-frame is not well-defined, leading to the "strange" step parameters you noticed. Nevertheless, this set of parameters can still be used to rigorously rebuild the structure.
In such case, we could reverse the z-axis of the 6th G+G pair, making it pointing in the same direction as other bases along the strand. This will ensure that rise will be positive. However, there are some side-effects with this approach: for one thing, structure "rebuilding" won't work as before; secondly, when taking the 5th and 6th steps separately, there is an ambiguity as to which z-axis should be reversed. For these reasons, I prefer to keep the program as is.
Now if you think about it, the "strange" numbers are actually a good thing: it pinpoints the special structural features in this region, which is not directly comparable to other steps. As with any software tools, it is not just about getting the numbers, but most importantly understanding what the numbers really mean.
The "strange" numbers are directly tied to the choice of base-centered reference frame. The base-pair normal and RC8-YC6 based reference frame as used in SCHNAaP/CEHS (which follows NewHelix) is more intuitive. As a matter of fact, 3DNA also include a utility program "cehs" which calculates authentic SCHNAaP/CEHS parameters. Run it as follows:
find_pair Ganti_Gsyn.pdb stdout | cehs
and check file "Ganti_Gsyn.outc".
For your structure, please also check the section titled "Global linear helical axis defined ..." from 3DNA "analyze" output. The global parameters based on C1'-C1' vectors make sense to me: it is these C1'-C1' vectors that show the periodicity, not being disturbed by the G+G pairs.
PS. The attached image was generated as follows:
find_pair Ganti_Gsyn.pdb stdout | analyze
ex_str -5 stacking.pdb s5.pdb
blocview -o -i=s5.png s5.pdb