Yes, the -torsion option of analyze is intended to be standalone, starting directly from a PDB file, without first running find_pair. The "-c" option does not apply here and is silently ignored.
As I mentioned in several occasions, all nucleic acid backbone torsion angles can be calculated as follows (using 6tna as an example, and the output file would be in '6tna.outs'):
find_pair -s 6tna.pdb 6tna.nts
analyze 6tna.nts
# or the above two commands can be combined:
find_pair -s 6tna.pdb stdout | analyze stdin
This functionality has been there since 3DNA v1.5, but it is not widely recognized/used by the community. Once in a while, I notice from literature (mostly on RNA structures) some sort of ad hoc scripts to calculate just those torsion angles.
Now by adding this -torsion option explicitly, by cutting one extra step, and by providing more useful features, I am hoping the new "analyze -torsion" combo would gradually find its way in RNA structure related research.
As always, I am open to suggestions to continuously refine this new feature of 3DNA.