Hello Xianjun,
I was able to install the ruby.. I am trying to understand the example. It would be great if you could answer the following questions:
1. When I run the command "find_pair sample_md0.pdb bpfile.dat", the output file bpfile.dat is different from the one given initially. For example, this file has 13 base pairs as opposed to 12 base pairs in the initial file.I noticed you said this is ok in your post wich I referred in the first message.
2. I am assuming the sample_md0.pdb is generated from the initial frame of the trajectory. For example, I have a trajectory consisting of 5000 frames and I am analysing all frames except the first 999 frames. So in this case, the file equivalent to sample_md0.pdb, will be the pdb file corresponding to 1000 frame.
3. Now for the next step,
x3dna_ensemble analyze -b bpfile.dat -p 'pdbdir/model_*.pdb' -o ensemble.out
All the model_*.pdb files in the pdbdir are pdb files created for different frames (or timesteps)?
I am assuming this step works for just one frame also. Since my system contains water, and other ions, and I am writing a pdb file for each frame just selecting the dna alone.
thanks in advance for your help,