How do I superimpose a rebuilt structure with the original structure?
I have a pdb file for a short helix bot_hlx.pdb. The following commands were executed
find_pair bot_hlx.pdb stdout | analyze
cp bot_hlx.pdb bot_hlx.xse.pdb
grep HETATM bot_hlx.out >> bot_hlx.xse.pdb
rebuild -atomic bp_step.par bot_hlx.3dna.pdb
frame_mol -1 ref_frames.dat bot_hlx.xse.pdb bot_hlx2.xse.pdb
Here are segments of resulting files
head bot_hlx.xse.pdb bot_hlx2.xse.pdb
==> bot_hlx.xse.pdb <==
REMARK 1 PDB file generated by ptraj (set 7576)
ATOM 1 P G 1 19.913 8.210 -35.750 0.00 0.00
ATOM 2 O1P G 1 19.867 9.473 -36.510 0.00 0.00
ATOM 3 O2P G 1 19.402 8.238 -34.388 0.00 0.00
==> bot_hlx2.xse.pdb <==
REMARK 3DNA v2.0 [June 8, 2008] (by Dr. Xiang-Jun Lu;
ATOM 1 C1' G A 1 -2.847 5.369 -0.801
ATOM 2 N9 G A 1 -1.650 4.570 -0.553
ATOM 3 C8 G A 1 -0.371 5.033 -0.356
As you see bot_hlx2.xse.pdb and bot_hlx.3dna.pdb are still in different orientations.
Thanks for your help.