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Messages - yangsy

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Hi Ramon,
 Thank you in advance for your help.
 I hope that the dates of stacking base-pair structure are transformed from the cartesian coordinate to PDB format so as to calculating base-pair steps parameter
I don't know how to solve it. Please help me.
Kind regards,

 The dates of stacking base-pair structure appendix:
1   N   -4.547   1.251   -3.596
2   C   -3.321   0.564   -3.608
3   N   -2.143   1.240   -3.607
4   C   -2.177   2.555   -3.597
5   C   -3.377   3.312   -3.596
6   C   -4.547   2.624   -3.596
7   N   -1.027   3.163   -3.598
8   H   -0.990   4.166   -3.582
9   H   -0.189   2.592   -3.584
10  O   -3.251   -0.665   -3.598
11  H   -5.404   0.739   -3.643
12  H   -5.492   3.154   -3.615
13  N   -3.902   -1.748   -0.377
14  C   -2.508   -1.582   -0.356
15  N   -1.953   -0.346   -0.275
16  C   -2.757   0.696   -0.223
17  C   -4.173   0.604   -0.257
18  C   -4.711   -0.641   -0.327
19  N   -2.185   1.865   -0.159
20  H   -2.747   2.695   -0.111
21  H   -1.172   1.893   -0.117
22  O   -1.728   -2.533   -0.396
23  H   -4.294   -2.661   -0.487
25  H   -4.815   1.469   -0.229
24  H   -5.785   -0.773   -0.364
26  N   0.653   -0.820   2.976 
27  C   1.276   -2.015   2.857 
28  N   0.658   -3.190   2.759 
29  C   -0.706   -3.078   2.789 
30  C   -1.438   -1.912   2.912 
31  C   -0.717   -0.667   3.004 
32  O   -1.151   0.480   3.109 
33  H   1.212   0.017   3.059 
34  H   3.093   -1.126   2.934 
35  H   3.057   -2.883   2.788 
36  H   -1.429   -5.070   2.558 
37  H   -3.684   -3.922   2.802 
38  N   -2.812   -2.192   2.936 
39  C   -2.854   -3.494   2.829 
40  N   4.230   2.788   3.359 
41  C   3.633   4.008   3.544 
42  C   2.280   4.108   3.616 
43  C   1.532   2.910   3.475 
44  N   0.232   2.947   3.540 
45  N   2.076   1.725   3.297 
46  C   3.429   1.640   3.237 
47  O   3.904   0.518   3.059 
48  H   4.256   4.885   3.651 
49  H   1.819   5.070   3.775 
50  H   -0.272   2.076   3.412 
51  H   -0.238   3.824   3.668 
52  N   4.956   0.181   -0.223
53  C   4.986   1.551   -0.144
54  N   3.813   2.120   -0.061
55  C   2.925   1.037   -0.121
56  C   1.486   0.981   -0.093
57  O   0.670   1.899   0.015 
58  N   0.979   -0.295   -0.215
59  C   1.750   -1.403   -0.333
60  N   1.127   -2.542   -0.449
61  N   3.080   -1.407   -0.353
62  C   3.617   -0.154   -0.240
63  H   5.785   2.246   -0.078
64  H   -0.026   -0.395   -0.223
65  H   0.110   -2.587   -0.440
66  H   1.684   -3.373   -0.551
67  N   3.772   -2.376   -3.698
68  C   4.600   -1.280   -3.689
69  N   3.979   -0.131   -3.638
70  C   2.625   -0.495   -3.625
71  C   1.426   0.301   -3.550
72  O   1.308   1.522   -3.472
73  N   0.266   -0.445   -3.554
74  C   0.240   -1.798   -3.622
75  N   -0.935   -2.363   -3.650
76  N   1.317   -2.577   -3.696
77  C   2.488   -1.868   -3.682
78  H   5.546   -1.057   -3.775
79  H   -0.609   0.058   -3.514
80  H   -1.782   -1.800   -3.614
81  H   -0.973   -3.364   -3.722
82  H   5.226   2.701   3.368 
83  H   4.026   -3.343   -3.679
84  N   2.579   -2.002   2.855 
85  N   -1.629   -4.101   2.706 
86  H   -3.385   4.391   -3.604
87  H   5.727   -0.456   -0.240

Hi Xiang-Jun
 I am calculating the structures with QM and thinking to calculate the struc.parameters with 3DNA for some stacking base-pairs.I first use 3DNA and encounter with a trouble on how the cartesian coordinates transform to PDB format.I don't know how to get aroud of this problem. Can you help me?

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Funded by the NIH R24GM153869 grant on X3DNA-DSSR, an NIGMS National Resource for Structural Bioinformatics of Nucleic Acids

Created and maintained by Dr. Xiang-Jun Lu, Department of Biological Sciences, Columbia University