RNA structures (DSSR) / Re: DSSR: Analyzing NMR structures - overwritten output files
« on: March 02, 2017, 03:57:49 pm »
Dear all,
here is a working example how to read the JSON output from x3dna-dssr in an R script and produce a backbone torsion angle plot from the NMR ensemble PDBID 2M4P (a DNA G-quadruplex). I have attached a compressed tar archive (for those unfamiliar with this format, use 7-Zip, http://www.7-zip.org to extract). Please refer to INSTRUCTIONS.txt on how to use it. The script is made available under the MIT license.
Best regards,
here is a working example how to read the JSON output from x3dna-dssr in an R script and produce a backbone torsion angle plot from the NMR ensemble PDBID 2M4P (a DNA G-quadruplex). I have attached a compressed tar archive (for those unfamiliar with this format, use 7-Zip, http://www.7-zip.org to extract). Please refer to INSTRUCTIONS.txt on how to use it. The script is made available under the MIT license.
Best regards,