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Messages - rcrehuet

Pages: [1]
Hi again,
I have a further question to this thread...
If I'm analysing a multi-model PDB, I followed this steps:
Code: [Select]
find_pair out.pdb out.inp
x3dna_ensemble extract -p hx_vec -o helix.out
This gives me the local helical axis. Is there a keyword (or an alternative procedure) to get the global linear helical axis for all the PDB models?
Thanks again!

Hi Xiang-Jun,
Thanks a lot for your explanation!!

General discussions (Q&As) / Calculating the helical axis of DNA
« on: May 06, 2016, 06:15:55 am »
Dear all,
I would like to extract the DNA helical axis from a pdb, which contains a protein and DNA.
I first run
Code: [Select]
find_pairs mypdb.pdb sample.inpThen, I guess I should run analyze (am I correct?):
Code: [Select]
analyze sample.inpEven though I get the following error message some files are generated.

Code: [Select]
......Processing structure #1: <sample.inp>......
[i] missing ' P  ' atom : residue name 'DA5', chain D, number [   1 ]
[i] missing ' OP1' atom : residue name 'DA5', chain D, number [   1 ]
[i] missing ' OP2' atom : residue name 'DA5', chain D, number [   1 ]
[i] missing ' P  ' atom : residue name 'DC5', chain E, number [   1 ]
[i] missing ' OP1' atom : residue name 'DC5', chain E, number [   1 ]
[i] missing ' OP2' atom : residue name 'DC5', chain E, number [   1 ]
[i] missing ' P  ' atom : residue name 'DA5', chain D, number [   1 ]
[i] missing ' P  ' atom : residue name 'DC5', chain E, number [   1 ]

My question is very simple. Where can I find the global linear helical axis in terms of its x, y, z coordinates?
At the end of the out file I see "local helical axis vector" where there is a vector for each pair. Should I average these vectors? I thought the axis was calculated by a fit to all base pairs, and so that there would be a single axis vector, not one for each base pair. Did I get something wrong?
Thanks in advance!

Pages: [1]

Funded by the NIH R24GM153869 grant on X3DNA-DSSR, an NIGMS National Resource for Structural Bioinformatics of Nucleic Acids

Created and maintained by Dr. Xiang-Jun Lu, Department of Biological Sciences, Columbia University