General discussions (Q&As) / Re: Problems with Ruby MD and Creating ssRNA
« on: June 10, 2011, 05:21:49 am »
The problem that I encountered was that described here http://3dna.rutgers.edu/x3dna/faqs#backbone under FAQ #6.
With regard to the secondary structure of the molecules, thanks very much for the link to the Rother et al' article, I'm sure this will be very useful. My goals at the moment for 3D structure modelling is to 1) have a 3D model of predicted secondary structure of RNAs (18' to 21' mers) in solution (across a range of solution conditions ideally) and 2) to have a 3D model of predicted structure as a negative gas phase ion (including predicting which phosphate groups are protonated and which hold negative charge).
Thanks Very much for your help and prompt replys
The RMSD between all atoms in the original bdl084.pdb file and the generated bdl084_3dna.pdb file is only 0.73 Å. Please note that in the rebuilt bdl084_3dna.pdb file, some O3'(i-1) to P(i) linkages can be quite long (broken).I managed to fix this however by editing the bp_step.par file directly from:
10 # base-pairsto:
0 # ***local base-pair & step parameters***
# Shear Stretch Stagger Buckle Prop-Tw Opening Shift Slide Rise Tilt Roll Twist
[red:3hxnsdr9]T-A[/red:3hxnsdr9] -0.03 -0.10 0.09 0.04 -15.13 -1.88 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
[red:3hxnsdr9]T-A[/red:3hxnsdr9] -0.03 -0.10 0.09 0.04 -15.13 -1.88 0.01 0.45 3.36 -0.00 1.71 35.97
10 # base-pairsbefore using the rebuild command. This seems to have worked perfectly for all of my RNA molecules.
0 # ***local base-pair & step parameters***
# Shear Stretch Stagger Buckle Prop-Tw Opening Shift Slide Rise Tilt Roll Twist
[red:3hxnsdr9]U[/red:3hxnsdr9] -0.03 -0.10 0.09 0.04 -15.13 -1.88 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
[red:3hxnsdr9]U[/red:3hxnsdr9] -0.03 -0.10 0.09 0.04 -15.13 -1.88 0.01 0.45 3.36 -0.00 1.71 35.97
With regard to the secondary structure of the molecules, thanks very much for the link to the Rother et al' article, I'm sure this will be very useful. My goals at the moment for 3D structure modelling is to 1) have a 3D model of predicted secondary structure of RNAs (18' to 21' mers) in solution (across a range of solution conditions ideally) and 2) to have a 3D model of predicted structure as a negative gas phase ion (including predicting which phosphate groups are protonated and which hold negative charge).
Thanks Very much for your help and prompt replys
