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Questions and answers > w3DNA -- web interface to 3DNA

Protein Bound DNA via w3DNA


This question arrived via email :

I have a question regarding the reconstruction of a protein-bound DNA model from Web 3DNA.
When I use this function to create a complex of a protein bound to a DNA duplex, is the DNA structure (and the protein structure) locally distorted by the interaction?

When using the reconstruction section of the w3DNA website to create protein bound DNA the following method applies

-  DNA base pairs interacting with protein in the original X-ray will adopt the same configuration (pair and step parameters) as those found in the original structure.  Because of this the model must have at a minimum the same number of steps as found in the X-ray structure.

- Extra DNA that you add to the beginning or end of the structure will adopt the configuration (A-, B-) selected on the w3DNA site.

If I did not answer your question please let me know so that I can further assist you.





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Created and maintained by Dr. Xiang-Jun Lu [律祥俊] (
The Bussemaker Laboratory at the Department of Biological Sciences, Columbia University.

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