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Miscellaneous items > SCHNAaP/SCHNArP

GLH_build() Memory Leak


I took out the printf()s from GLH_build() and hard coded the user-response values that I want, so that I do not have to enter them in every time I run the function.  When I call GLH_build() in a loop, my memory usage increases with each iteration.  I assume this behavior is not wanted.  There seems to be a memory leak somewhere.  I tried looking through the code to make sure the mallocs are all freed, but I have not found any red flags.  Any idea why/where this is happening?


Thanks for reporting the problems you experienced. Could you please be more specific, and better yet, providing me a reproducible example? I will certainly look into it to get it fixed ASAP.


Xiang-jun,  I just sent you an e-mail with an example.  I hope this helps.  Thanks so much.  I'm calling GLH_build an insane number of times, which is the only reason this matters.  But, I'm getting good results!  It is a great software suite.

I have fixed the memory leak bugs in file rebuild.c. I have also taken this opportunity to tidy up the code base a little bit. Please download the updated version and verify that the bugs are indeed gone.



It took me awhile to incorporate the new code into my code and to perform regression testing, but it is working perfectly.  No memory leak!  Thanks Xiang-Jun!!


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Created and maintained by Dr. Xiang-Jun Lu [律祥俊] (
The Bussemaker Laboratory at the Department of Biological Sciences, Columbia University.

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