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Questions and answers > RNA structures (DSSR)

Turn of Auxiliary File Creation (x3dna-dssr)

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DSSR has many undocummented options. Even for the documented options, there are many undocumented variations thereof. As already mentioned several times in this Forum, there are two reasons: one is to keep the manual not too long, another is some featues are experimental (including using “--parallel”).

DSSR already has many documented features, probably far too many for a typical user would normally care. I’ve tried hard to ensure the accuracy of the documented features, and using this Forms as a means to promptly address users’ questions, and requests for ‘new’ functionality. Afterall, it is impossible to made DSSR (or any tool) perfectly fit to ever imaginable use case. As the author of DSSR, I’ve just made it work the way that makes sense to me, while listening carefully to users’ feedback.

Did the suggested options solve your problems?



Thank you very much for the explanations. I will check not only the manual, but also the forum for the solutions in the future.

And yes, the suggested options solved my problems now, thank you very much for the fast answer.


Glad to hear your confirmation the suggested options did the trick.

In a future release of DSSR, the code/option for the log file will be revised (no x3dna-dssr.log file will be generated by default). I may also add an FAQ on running DSSR in parallel (as in GNU Parallel). Do not be surprised if the "--parallel" option is gone, or is replaced by another name with similar functionality. That's what an experimental option means, and why it is not documented.

Best regards,


PS. Do not be shy in pointing out areas of DSSR that do not work as you expect (from a user's perspective). I'm always keen to improve DSSR in ways that make sense to me while incorporating users' feedback.

As a followup, DSSR v1.7.6-2018mar22 is released. The "--parallel" option is gone and the "--auxfile=no" is documented in the manual. The log-file is no longer generated by default.



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Created and maintained by Dr. Xiang-Jun Lu [律祥俊] (
The Bussemaker Laboratory at the Department of Biological Sciences, Columbia University.

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