MD simulations / Re: overwritten output files
« Last post by xiangjun on Yesterday at 10:47:57 am »Hi Mamta,
The output file name is derived from the input PDB filename, by deleting extension and add ".out". Since your PDB frame is named "output-filename.pdb.${i}", the output file will always be "output-filename.pdb.out" by replacing ".{i}" with ".out". You could name your PDB frame "output-${i}.pdb" and the corresponding output file will be "output-${i}.out".
Have a look of the C source code, and the x3dna_ensemble script (x3dna_ensemble analyze -h). Overall, the x3dna-v2.4 support for MD analysis is limited. There is also do_x3dna -- I'm not sure if it is still actively maintained.
I'm in the process of incorporating x3dna-v2.4 features into DSSR (Free academic license available from CTV). Further improvement for MD support will be implemented in DSSR.
Best regards,
The output file name is derived from the input PDB filename, by deleting extension and add ".out". Since your PDB frame is named "output-filename.pdb.${i}", the output file will always be "output-filename.pdb.out" by replacing ".{i}" with ".out". You could name your PDB frame "output-${i}.pdb" and the corresponding output file will be "output-${i}.out".
Have a look of the C source code, and the x3dna_ensemble script (x3dna_ensemble analyze -h). Overall, the x3dna-v2.4 support for MD analysis is limited. There is also do_x3dna -- I'm not sure if it is still actively maintained.
I'm in the process of incorporating x3dna-v2.4 features into DSSR (Free academic license available from CTV). Further improvement for MD support will be implemented in DSSR.
Best regards,