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Dear sir,
I am trying to install 3DNA-DSSR in the ubuntu system. However, I cannot be able to download the executable files from the link provided. Kindly help for the same
DSSR is available exclusively via the CTV website ( Note that "DSSR Pro includes an in-depth user manual, and one year technical support directly from the developer. DSSR basic is provided AS IS, and does not include any support."
The Download instructions (http://) post has the following explicit information:
DSSR v2.2 has been released, with SNAP integrated into it. The stand-alone x3dna-snap program is gone and its functionality has been replaced by x3dna-dssr snap. Here is an overview of DSSR ( DSSR has superseded 3DNA v2.4, with vastly expanded features and dramatically improved usability. Please visit the Columbia Technology Ventures (CTV) website ( to obtain a license and to download DSSR.
Hopefully, the message is simple and clear enough.
I believe CTV download site is not available even after registering. Is there any alternative site available to download the executable files.
In addition to my previous response, and just to clarify: Since August 2020 when DSSR became formally licensed, well over a hundred DSSR licenses have been issued via the CTV website ( On average, that is approximately one license per week-day, to a total of 106 organizations world wide. As far as I know, all legitimate registrations have been promptly processed, thanks to the time/effort from the CTV support staff.
Funded by the NIH R24GM153869 grant on X3DNA-DSSR, an NIGMS National Resource for Structural Bioinformatics of Nucleic Acids
Created and maintained by Dr. Xiang-Jun Lu, Department of Biological Sciences, Columbia University