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Hi Xiang-jun,
When I used dssr to extract junctions, I found the junctions for some RNAs share the same stem.
For example, for RNA 4wsm, the output is:
1* 3-way junction: nts=10; [0,4,0]; linked by [#100,#101,#101]
60* 4-way junction: nts=17; [3,1,1,4]; linked by [#211,#212,#282,#212]
76* 5-way junction: nts=14; [0,0,1,3,0]; linked by [#332,#333,#335,#333,#334]
I used the latest version (1.9.6) of dssr, and the command as follows:
x3dna-dssr -i=4wsm.cif -auxfile=no --isolated-pair=not-in-loop -idstr=long -o=4wsm.out
Thanks and best wishes,
Hi Jun,
A junction loop derived by DSSR may share the same stem when pseudoknots are involved, as emphased in the DSSR paper ( See for example, Figure 4 for the env22 twister ribozyme, PDB id: 4rge. Generally speaking, this is a unique feature, instead of a bug, of DSSR. Such junctions are noted with a suffix * after the serial number. One can get rid of such loops by specifying the --nested option.
I've a quick look of your reported case on 4wsm, and noticed that there may be a bug in DSSR. The first case (a three way junction) should not be there. The issue is due to stem#101 (with 2 base pairs) which has a highly distorted geometry, and judged as parallel by DSSR. I will look into the issue further, and get back to you soon.
In the meantime, you could take it as a special case, or simply remove junctions with a * suffix.
Thanks for reporting the issue!
Hi Xiang-jun,
Even with --nested option, some RNAs still share the same helix. They are 3j7r, 5mrc, 5mre, 5mrf, 6ost.
Hi Jun
Please provide more details with the additional PDB entries, as you did for 4wsm. I believe the underlying issue is similar, most likely associated with extreme cases with distorted structures. The more detailed cases you provide, the better I can test/validate the fixes for the next DSSR release.
Best regards,
Hi Jun,
I've updated DSSR (still labelled v1.9.6-2019sep16). It should have fixed the junction issue (in the first 3-way junction case) you observed in PDB entry 4wsm. See also my note on junctions with pseudoknots.
Please have a try and report back how it goes. In reporting any further issues, please remain to be specific.
Best regards,
As a follow-up, I've released DSSR v1.9.7-2019oct01 that's fixed the reported issue.
Funded by the NIH R24GM153869 grant on X3DNA-DSSR, an NIGMS National Resource for Structural Bioinformatics of Nucleic Acids
Created and maintained by Dr. Xiang-Jun Lu, Department of Biological Sciences, Columbia University