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I'm analyzing the hydrogen bonding interactions of CC mismatches in DNA, and I came across some interesting hydrogen bonding symbols. While I know that the hyphen '-' between two atoms indicates hydrogen bonding, what does '*' represent? Is it because the hydrogen donor/acceptor roles are vague?
I've attached the summary file below of my results.
Thanks for your time.
Hi Stephanie,
Thanks for using 3DNA and for posting your questions on the 3DNA Forum. Your attached file helps illustrate the issue at hand, as shown below for the H-bonding section from the 3DNA output file:
Detailed H-bond information: atom-name pair and length [ O N]
1 T-**+-T [1] O2 * O2 3.47
2 C-**+-C [3] O2 - N4 2.82 N3 * N3 2.78 N4 - O2 2.83
3 C-**+-C [3] O2 - N4 2.82 N3 * N3 2.78 N4 - O2 2.85
4 C-**+-C [3] O2 - N4 2.88 N3 * N3 2.82 N4 - O2 2.89
5 C-**+-C [3] O2 - N4 2.84 N3 * N3 2.72 N4 - O2 2.78
For a C+C pair as in the i-motif, the N3...N3 H-bond is between an acceptor (N3) to another acceptor (N3) when C is in its canonical tautomeric form (as in Watson-Crick G--C pairs). The hemi-protonated C cannot be judged from the atomic coordinates. That's what the * symbol is about. Overall 3DNA does not use hydrogen atoms at all in deducing H-bonds.
Have a look of DSSR (, especially "3.16 The --get-hbond option".
Best regards,
Funded by the NIH R24GM153869 grant on X3DNA-DSSR, an NIGMS National Resource for Structural Bioinformatics of Nucleic Acids
Created and maintained by Dr. Xiang-Jun Lu, Department of Biological Sciences, Columbia University