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Hi Honglue,
I've added an option --abasic to DSSR to take abasic sites as nucleotides, as long as main-chain backbone atoms are preserved: P, O5', C5', C4', C3', and O3'. Quick tests on 1l2c ( and 1l2d ( show that this new DSSR feature is working as designed (e.g., C.HPD18 is listed in an internal loop). Understandably, the abasic nucleotides won't be involved in base pairing and stacking interactions.
The DSSR on the download page (still labeled v1.6.8-2017mar28) has been updated. Have a try and report back if it solves your problem.
2. Be specific with your questions; provide a minimal, reproducible
example if possible; use attachments where appropriate.
DSSR: an Integrated Software Tool for
Dissecting the Spatial Structure of RNA
v2.4.2-2023may01 by
1 C ( A.DC1 0.012 anti,~C2'-endo,BI,non-stack,canonical,helix-end,stem-end,coaxial-stack
2 A ( A.DA2 0.020 anti,~C2'-endo,BI,canonical,non-pair-contact,helix,stem,coaxial-stack
3 C ( A.DC3 0.007 anti,~C2'-endo,canonical,non-pair-contact,helix,stem,coaxial-stack
4 A ( A.DA4 0.018 anti,~C2'-endo,BI,canonical,non-pair-contact,helix,stem,coaxial-stack
5 A ( A.DA5 0.015 anti,~C2'-endo,BI,canonical,non-pair-contact,helix,stem,coaxial-stack
6 A ( A.DA6 0.015 anti,~C2'-endo,BI,canonical,non-pair-contact,helix,stem,coaxial-stack
7 C ( A.DC7 0.009 anti,~C2'-endo,canonical,non-pair-contact,helix,stem,coaxial-stack
8 A ( A.DA8 0.013 anti,~C2'-endo,BI,canonical,non-pair-contact,helix,stem-end,coaxial-stack,internal-loop
9 ? . A.PYP9 --- modified,~C2'-endo,BI,non-stack,internal-loop
10 G ( A.DG10 0.013 anti,~C2'-endo,BI,canonical,non-pair-contact,helix,stem-end,coaxial-stack,internal-loop
nt alpha beta gamma delta epsilon zeta e-z chi phase-angle sugar-type ssZp Dp splay
1 C A.DC1 --- --- 59.6 143.0 -178.2 -98.9 -79(BI) -112.1(anti) 162.0(C2'-endo) ~C2'-endo 1.99 2.26 16.42
2 A A.DA2 -92.0 -166.3 54.8 121.4 179.5 -87.3 -93(BI) -112.9(anti) 143.5(C1'-exo) ~C2'-endo 1.97 2.07 18.44
3 C A.DC3 -62.7 166.0 58.6 144.3 -166.0 -165.5 -1(--) -85.4(anti) 156.7(C2'-endo) ~C2'-endo 2.70 2.79 25.63
4 A A.DA4 -75.7 -177.0 60.4 153.3 -175.3 -78.8 -97(BI) -110.7(anti) 185.3(C3'-exo) ~C2'-endo 1.72 1.82 18.57
5 A A.DA5 -80.9 172.3 59.3 107.1 -166.5 -94.1 -72(BI) -126.1(anti) 120.9(C1'-exo) ~C2'-endo 2.48 2.58 18.91
6 A A.DA6 -74.4 171.8 59.7 120.9 179.8 -99.1 -81(BI) -120.3(anti) 134.2(C1'-exo) ~C2'-endo 2.37 2.43 16.58
7 C A.DC7 -74.1 -176.0 59.0 149.2 -164.1 -146.5 -18(--) -93.5(anti) 168.5(C2'-endo) ~C2'-endo 2.04 2.06 24.91
8 A A.DA8 -74.9 176.5 57.1 147.6 -173.6 -100.2 -73(BI) -120.0(anti) 175.2(C2'-endo) ~C2'-endo --- --- ---
9 ? A.PYP9 -63.0 175.7 62.6 135.3 -178.2 -77.7 -101(BI) --- 151.8(C2'-endo) ~C2'-endo --- --- ---
10 G A.DG10 -84.6 171.5 59.9 122.1 -176.2 -130.1 -46(BI) -112.0(anti) 133.5(C1'-exo) ~C2'-endo 2.63 2.71 21.35
Funded by the NIH R24GM153869 grant on X3DNA-DSSR, an NIGMS National Resource for Structural Bioinformatics of Nucleic Acids
Created and maintained by Dr. Xiang-Jun Lu, Department of Biological Sciences, Columbia University