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The step 3 of installation on linux is not clear to me. What does it mean by set the environment variable X3DNA and add $X3DNA/bin to your command search path???
Im really looking forward to your reply.
Thank you!!
Thanks for using 3DNA and posting your question on the Forum.
Copy and paste the two lines from running x3dna_setup (in red in the about Howto) into your ~/.bashrc file so that the 3DNA commands and associated data files are available.
There are many related info on the Internet, see for example, "How Do I Set and Use Linux Environment Variables? ("
Hi Sir,
Thank you for your quick reply.
I followed the instructions as you've mentioned but when I typed find_pair -h or ./find_pair -h the following messages were displayed.
Also when I saved setenv X3DNA '/home/xiangjun/x3dna-v2.1'
setenv PATH '/home/xiangjun/x3dna-v2.1/bin':$PATH in .cshrc file and entered source ~/.cshrc, these messages were displayed.
No command 'setenv' found, did you mean:
Command 'netenv' from package 'netenv' (universe)
setenv: command not found
Can you please help me with that??
The error message means 3DNA has not been set up properly. What's the output of:
echo $SHELL
I.e. What is your shell? Additionally, what's your Linux distribution?
uname -a
Do you know someone nearby who is familiar with (Linux) command-line?
Thank you Sir!
I was able to install 3DNA..
Funded by the NIH R24GM153869 grant on X3DNA-DSSR, an NIGMS National Resource for Structural Bioinformatics of Nucleic Acids
Created and maintained by Dr. Xiang-Jun Lu, Department of Biological Sciences, Columbia University