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Hello Dr. Lu,
I was wondering if there is a command to redirect the output of the auxiliary files used by DSSR?
I'm developing a web server for RNA 3D structure alignment and am using DSSR for base-pairing annotation. Currently, DSSR always creates the auxiliary files in the directory from which DSSR is called. In my case, DSSR is called by a JAR file in a directory where I don't want to allow write permissions.
Thank you,
Hi Erwin,
Thanks for using DSSR. Does the --prefix option fit the bill? For example, the following command will direct all the dssr-* auxiliary files to the system /tmp folder:
x3dna-dssr -i=./1ehz.pdb --prefix=/tmp/dssr
Dr. Lu,
That fit the bill, thank you!
I have a follow-up question, but it may be too ambiguous. Do you know what could cause DSSR to send "open_file failed: Permission denied" to the error stream? I'm assuming DSSR needs read permission to the directory where the input PDB / mmCIF structure is, and read/write permission to the directories where output / auxiliary output are created. When I run the JAR that calls DSSR on my server from the CLI, everything works fine--the auxiliary files and output go where I expect them to. However, when I execute the JAR from the web interface that I'm building, I get that message from DSSR. The web interface runs with permissions set up for Apache, so somewhere, I haven't given Apache the appropriate permissions that I have as a user of the server. So, I am wondering where all I should take care to give DSSR appropriate read/write permissions.
Thanks again, and sorry for the wall of text,
I've come up with a solution for you to test. What computer OS are you using?
I'm using CentOS Linux release 7.2.1511.
Thanks again,
OK. Please download (already updated) DSSR again, and report back how it goes.
I downloaded the Linux 64-bit compiled version on the Downloads page. I still get the same error: "open_file failed: Permission denied".
Thanks for the continued help,
Try again, with the revised DSSR, and report back if it works. Remember you need to set the --prefix option to a folder where DSSR can write files to.
I apologize for the late reply, but my issue was resolved with the last revised DSSR!
Glad to hear that!
It is through interactions with responsive users like you that DSSR has been continuously refined. As always, any DSSR-related questions are welcome on the public Forum.
Best regards,
Funded by the NIH R24GM153869 grant on X3DNA-DSSR, an NIGMS National Resource for Structural Bioinformatics of Nucleic Acids
Created and maintained by Dr. Xiang-Jun Lu, Department of Biological Sciences, Columbia University