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Title: Install 3DNA on Windows via MinGW/MSYS
Post by: xiangjun on March 06, 2016, 08:46:19 pm
Again, thanks for your persistence. In the end, you may find the learning experience well worth it!

3DNA should work if you have installed MinGW/MSYS properly. Given the difficult you experienced with installing Cygwin, let's focus on MinGW/MSYS. To get you up and running ASAP, please answer the following questions:

Title: Re: Install 3DNA on Windows via MinGW/MSYS
Post by: MingyuSun on March 06, 2016, 09:03:20 pm
It is really kind of you!
1,I have two laptop, one is window7, another is window10, I mainly used window7, but I can try both if needed.
2,I put the download file both in C and D, as showed in the attachment.(if I need to used it in another laptop with window 10, there seems to be only one disk.
3,I have not. Sorry. I know nothing about tarball file, I am searching for it now.
Title: Re: Install 3DNA on Windows via MinGW/MSYS
Post by: MingyuSun on March 06, 2016, 09:24:14 pm
I am really sorry that I just noticed there is another question.
I just try, and I attached the outcome here. I also tried tar --help and tar --usage, many others will appear after that.
Title: Re: Install 3DNA on Windows via MinGW/MSYS
Post by: xiangjun on March 06, 2016, 10:24:17 pm
Okay. Now we have enough info to move forward. Please do the following:

Title: Re: Install 3DNA on Windows via MinGW/MSYS
Post by: MingyuSun on March 07, 2016, 12:36:14 am
I am really sorry, I have not got that done. I tried three times, including try to reopen the shell after extracting the x3dna. A difference is the /home/ in my case. I showed you in the attachment.
Title: Re: Install 3DNA on Windows via MinGW/MSYS
Post by: xiangjun on March 07, 2016, 07:54:48 am
Well, you seemed to get up to step #2. If you are the admin, then '/home/administrator' is your home directory. Now you need to move/copy or download x3dna-v2.3-mingw-win.tar.gz into that directory. On Windows, it should be in C:\MinGW\msys\1.0\home or something like that.

No matter in Cygwin or MinGW/MSYS, you need to have the corresponding 3DNA v2.3 tarball accessible in that environment. Your "ls -l" output shows that home directory is empty. Did you also notice the "No such file ..." error message?

Let's focus on MinGW/MSYS for now. You may use Cygwin as an exercise afterwards.
Title: Re: Install 3DNA on Windows via MinGW/MSYS
Post by: MingyuSun on March 08, 2016, 07:11:27 am
I am really grateful for your kindness and patience! Thanks a lot! I think I have installed it. I am still trying to learn about the usage. Anyhow, I already have a great time time with it. You can't image how happy I am. And I will do the homework you left for me.

Funded by the NIH R24GM153869 grant on X3DNA-DSSR, an NIGMS National Resource for Structural Bioinformatics of Nucleic Acids

Created and maintained by Dr. Xiang-Jun Lu, Department of Biological Sciences, Columbia University