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Figure 2: DSSR captures well-known features and provides a new perspective on the classic yeast tRNAPhe structure (PDB id: 1ehz (46)). (A) The software automatically detects the four stems and the two helices that form the L-shaped molecule, depicted here in cartoon-block representation (center). Whereas the helices may include all types of base pairs and backbone breaks, the stems comprise only canonical pairs with continuous backbones. Note the coaxial stacking of the D and anti-codon stems and the noncanonical features of the composite helix (represented by a gray line, left). The red ‘circle’, overlaid on the central image and detailed to the right, reveals the 3D pathway along the [2,1,5,0] four-way junction loop. (B) The dot-bracket notation derived by DSSR serves as input for the depicted linear (arc) representation of secondary structure. The bases comprising the four-way junction loop (red) run in sequential order from U7 (*) following the arrows to the right and returning along the outer A66→U7 arc. The pseudoknotted G19–C56 pair (with matched []) is noted by the dashed arc. (C) Both the four-way junction (red) and the three hairpin loops follow ‘circular’ routes within the traditional cloverleaf representation of tRNA. Here the 14 modified nucleotides are represented by three-letter codes. The 3D images were created using PyMOL (A-red; C-yellow; G-green; T-blue; U-cyan; pseudouridine P-gray), the 2D diagrams using VARNA, and the annotations using Inkscape.
helix#1[2] bps=15
strand-1 5'-GCGGAUUcUGUGtPC-3'
bp-type ||||||||||||..|
strand-2 3'-CGCUUAAGACACaGG-5'
helix-form AA....xAAAAxx.
helical-rise: 3.00(0.90) *
helical-radius: 8.88(1.77) *
helical-axis: 0.617 0.739 -0.269 *
helix#2[2] bps=15
strand-1 5'-AAPcUGGAgCUCAGu-3'
bp-type ...||||.||||...
strand-2 3'-UcAGACCgCGAGUCU-5'
helical-rise: 3.07(1.12) *
helical-radius: 8.89(2.35) *
helical-axis: 0.071 0.444 0.893 *
1 # x-, y-, z-axes row-rise
0.000 0.000 0.000 # translation
0.617 0.739 -0.269 # h1
0.071 0.444 0.893 # h2
0.000 0.000 1.000 # z: can be anything
by rotation y 180The transformed PDB coordinate file 1ehz-ok.pdb is the starting point of all the following illustrations.
by rotation x 180
REMARK-DSSR: helix#1
ATOM 1 P1 G A 1 -50.221 -58.766 28.361 1.00 99.85 H1 P
REMARK-DSSR: helix#1
ATOM 2 P2 C A 56 -92.115 -58.758 28.363 1.00 37.81 H1 P
REMARK-DSSR: helix#2
ATOM 3 P1 A A 36 -70.051 -7.424 32.844 1.00 81.67 H2 P
REMARK-DSSR: helix#2
HETATM 4 P2 H2U A 16 -75.673 -49.918 32.841 1.00 64.01 H2 P
REMARK model=1 nts=16
REMARK 4-way junction: nts=16; [2,1,5,0]; linked by [#1,#2,#3,#4]
ATOM 1 C1' U A 7 -65.936 -49.847 29.027 1.00 37.23 C
ATOM 2 C1' U A 8 -72.670 -44.818 30.530 1.00 30.28 C
ATOM 3 C1' A A 9 -72.606 -37.344 27.403 1.00 28.79 C
HETATM 4 C1' 2MG A 10 -66.888 -33.680 24.426 1.00 44.62 C
ATOM 5 C1' C A 25 -66.556 -29.785 34.413 1.00 51.93 C
HETATM 6 C1' M2G A 26 -66.983 -28.143 29.356 1.00 46.92 C
ATOM 7 C1' C A 27 -70.138 -25.556 25.591 1.00 48.68 C
ATOM 8 C1' G A 43 -80.779 -25.396 27.582 1.00 46.94 C
ATOM 9 C1' A A 44 -78.474 -28.381 24.234 1.00 54.14 C
ATOM 10 C1' G A 45 -75.498 -32.895 24.403 1.00 45.24 C
HETATM 11 C1' 7MG A 46 -76.230 -40.483 24.555 1.00 39.69 C
ATOM 12 C1' U A 47 -74.362 -46.762 19.557 1.00 50.55 C
ATOM 13 C1' C A 48 -75.266 -47.135 28.377 1.00 27.98 C
HETATM 14 C1' 5MC A 49 -68.564 -51.174 23.872 1.00 33.10 C
ATOM 15 C1' G A 65 -67.234 -61.378 20.695 1.00 42.23 C
ATOM 16 C1' A A 66 -64.217 -56.459 21.032 1.00 40.50 C
CONECT 1 16 2
CONECT 2 1 3
CONECT 3 2 4
CONECT 4 3 5
CONECT 5 4 6
CONECT 6 5 7
CONECT 7 6 8
CONECT 8 7 9
CONECT 9 8 10
CONECT 10 9 11
CONECT 11 10 12
CONECT 12 11 13
CONECT 13 12 14
CONECT 14 13 15
CONECT 15 14 16
CONECT 16 15 1
load 1ehz-ok-jct.pdb, jctThe PyMOL options -qkc is used to generate file 1ehz-ok-jct-pymol.png from command line. Note the extra white space around the image (see below).
hide everything, jct
set sphere_color, white, jct
set sphere_scale, 0.36, jct
show spheres, jct
set stick_radius, 0.3, jct
set stick_color, red, jct
set stick_transparency, 0.46, jct
show sticks, jct
# -----------------------------------------
bg_color white
set sphere_quality, 4
set stick_quality, 16
# PyMOL FAQ recommendations
set depth_cue, 0
set ray_trace_fog, 0
set ray_shadow, off
set orthoscopic, 1
set antialias, 1
# cannot be: zoom complete, 1
zoom complete=1
# -----------------------------------------
ray 1800
png 1ehz-ok-jct-pymol.png
Funded by the NIH R24GM153869 grant on X3DNA-DSSR, an NIGMS National Resource for Structural Bioinformatics of Nucleic Acids
Created and maintained by Dr. Xiang-Jun Lu, Department of Biological Sciences, Columbia University