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# Coloring scheme for chains in "blocview" generated images.
# This list contains one-letter chain-ID and corresponding color name
# which should be one of MolScript's 164 pre-defined names stored
# in file "mcolname.dat". Otherwise, the default color corresponding
# to "*" at the end is used.
# 0-9 are assigned the same color as A-J
# Users might change colors here or add new chains and their colors
A red
B yellow
C yellow
D cyan
E blue
F brown
G violet
H wheat
I pink
J bisque
K khaki
L magenta
M peru
N plum
O green
P tan
Q tomato
R orange
S turquoise
T salmon
U blanchedalmond
V firebrick
W blueviolet
X darkgreen
Y darkturquoise
Z orangered
0 red
1 yellow
2 lawngreen
3 cyan
4 blue
5 brown
6 violet
7 wheat
8 pink
9 bisque
* goldenrod
# protein by_chain [default] or a specific color
protein purple
# nucleic acid by_chain [default] or a specific color [coil_radius]
nucleic_acid by_chain 0.8
blocview -i=BD0054.jpg 1jgr.pdb1
display BD0054.jpg
orblocview -d 1jgr.pdb1
Funded by the NIH R24GM153869 grant on X3DNA-DSSR, an NIGMS National Resource for Structural Bioinformatics of Nucleic Acids
Created and maintained by Dr. Xiang-Jun Lu, Department of Biological Sciences, Columbia University