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The easiest way to build a nucleic acid structure with the sugar-phosphate backbone, other than predefined fiber models, is to use the rebuild program. The backbone building scheme uses exactly the same protocol as the default for base-only model. The user needs to add the -atomic option to rebuild, and to choose the desired rigid sugar-phosphate backbone to be attached to the standard base geometry.
The four types of currently available backbone conformations are listed in the directory $X3DNA/config/atomic. To use any of these backbones, it is necessary to copy the standard nucleotide files associated with each type of backbone to $X3DNA/config or your current working directory, and to name each nucleotide as follows: Atomic_X.pdb (where X = A, C, G, T, U; or Atomic.x.pdb where x = a, c, g, t, u for modified bases). The default Atomic_X.pdb files contains only the C1' backbone atom, and the base geometry is independent of the backbone conformation.
To build a DNA structure with B-DNA backbone conformation, for example, one uses the BDNA_X.pdb set to replace Atomic_X.pdb. There is a sub-command cp_std of the Ruby utility program x3dna_utils to help with this: x3dna_utils cp_std BDNA. This will copy BDNA_X.pdb to the current working directory and rename it Atomic_X.pdb. Please note that rebuild searches for Atomic_X.pdb files first in the current working directory, and then in $X3DNA/config.
To make the above description clear, here is an example. Go to the directory $X3DNA/examples/analyze_rebuild, and try to reproduce the following:
- use the command, x3dna_utils cp_std BDNA, so that you will have Atomic_X.pdb files
- use find_pair bdl084.pdb | analyze, to analyze the structure bdl084 (355d) and to generate a file named bp_step.par
- use rebuild -atomic bp_step.par bdl084_3dna.pdb, to generate the PDB file bdl084_3dna.pdb with a standard B-backbone
The RMSD between all atoms of the original bdl084.pdb file and the generated bdl084_3dna.pdb file is only 0.73 Å. Please note that in the rebuilt bdl084_3dna.pdb file, some O3'(i-1) to P(i) linkages can be quite long (broken). This structure, however, serves well as a starting point for further energy minimization. See post "Restraint optimization of DNA backbone geometry using PHENIX (" for how to regularize the overlong bonds.
In this process, you generate the parameter file with two header lines.
I understand what the 1st line means.
What does the value associated with the 2nd line mean? I see that it is '0' , but why have it? What does it signify?
Thank you.
There are actually three header lines, as below:
12 # base-pairs
0 # ***local base-pair & step parameters***
# Shear Stretch Stagger Buckle Prop-Tw Opening Shift Slide Rise Tilt Roll Twist
The '0' in the second line means this parameter file is using local base-pair and step parameters, as detailed in the third line. This file is named 'bp_step.par' from the output of the 3DNA analyze program.
A parallel output file from the 3DNA analyze program, named 'bp_helical.par', has the following header lines:
12 # base-pairs
1 # ***local base-pair & helical parameters***
# Shear Stretch Stagger Buckle Prop-Tw Opening X-disp Y-disp h-Rise Incl. Tip h-Twist
Hopy this clarifies the matter.
I generated a proper .par file but I was not able to generate a proper pdb file. My pdb file only contains the DNA bases without the P, C5', C4' and other backbone atoms.
How can I amend the error?
Thank you.
Please provide details. Reproducibility is the key.
Funded by the NIH R24GM153869 grant on X3DNA-DSSR, an NIGMS National Resource for Structural Bioinformatics of Nucleic Acids
Created and maintained by Dr. Xiang-Jun Lu, Department of Biological Sciences, Columbia University